188 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for BigBird


Sun 7th Aug 04:25
New Earth rated  Average
I know this board is highly rated by a number of players but i'm not its biggest fan. I think it needs more practice that i'm willing to give it. I'm not a fan of the graphics and think the game play could do with being a little clearer.
#4 of 4
Sun 7th Aug 04:19
Europe 1560 rated  Great
This is a great board for a number of players, especially with light fog and escalating cards. Some players tend to sit still and stockpile cards which can be a potent tactic however not quite in the spirit of the game as far as i'm concerned!
#3 of 4
Sun 7th Aug 04:12
Civil War rated  Superb
This is one of the best boards on WarGear, a lot of fun to play and encourages diplomacy due to its size.
#2 of 4
Fri 8th Jul 14:37
Colossal Crusade rated  Great
I liked playing this board, its got great balance but can be a little tough to play in later stages when the bonuses get out of control.
#1 of 4